Fun Fact

My name, Sa Hoon, means to think (“Sa”) and to teach (“Hoon”) in Korean. As my name suggests, I am passionate about generating knowledge through research and disseminating the knowledge to students so that they can apply it to solving real world problems.

hanging chain silhouette
hanging chain silhouette

Life Outside of Work

I am passionate about sports. Although I have been enjoying various types of sports (e.g., soccer, basketball, skiing) from my youth, I am now most into CrossFit these days. I started in 2014 and have been working out about 4-6 days a week ever since. I am able to stay positive through my workouts that I enjoy with friends at the gym. My workout stats are shown on the side: I worked out 27 days in October, 2022. Besides CrossFit, I also play tennis about 1-2 times a week.